This list has been such a big help! Every year I revisit it when time comes to start procuring Donations for our fund-raiser. My situation is a little different - our event is for a church and our faith formation (education). We do a lot of work with food pantries and those less fortunate and let that be known in our donation letters.
Some tips I've learned for newbies:
* Read through the entire list (Yes - I read all 46 pages at the time)
* Do your own homework - Don't type open questions like - "Can you give me a list for _____(City)"
* Follow recommendations - There is a TON of great advice on here! Positive advice that has helped me is: Google your local cities with 'Donation Request' in the search; ask as many local businesses as you can; go in person when possible, always use your official letterhead
Don't give up... this can be a daunting task, but the rewards are worth it. My first and second years I was able to raise over $20k. Hopefully this 3rd year will be as good if not better.
Just wanted to say "THANK YOU" to all who have contributed!
Thank you so much for all the information you provided I was able to make contact with several companies.
If you have any more company list for donations I would love to receive it This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
jennik24 wrote: I ask the G.M. directly for hotel stays to go with dining & entertainment? For instance, we are located in Illinois and I'm putting package for Destin, FL together. I have go cart passes, dining gift cards, dolphin cruise, & a few stores at the outlet mall. The General Manager actually did better than a hotel stay....we ended up with a 2 bedroom condo for 3 nights!
Can you give me specifics about your Destin package? I would love to get a package together like this for my auction. Thanks!