I couldnt believe all the places that donated to me! My coworkers are thrilled with the coach purse, mad mex and shady grove Some of the places that donated I never heard of I found them through google
Iowa fundraiser - you probably have a state fair where you live, maybe you can get admission tickets to that as well as to local museums, zoo's, etc. Any living history type places near you?
Is it possible to get posts that are not related to actual places that people have attempted to get donations moved into the general Auction forum? I know people have posted before about having so many posts about things other than actual companies that they got donations from, and it seems that the general auction forum would be perfect for those posts.
lml403!!!!!!!! Thanks for all the awesome ideas! I am going to try a few and see if they work for me. Great places to check out that I had no idea about. I'll keep this page posted on my results.