Don't be afraid to send out your letters sooner than later. Some companies will run out of funds for donations and then you'll be shut out. If you're sending your request too soon a company will tell you to resubmit closer to your function date. Good Luck
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12 years 3 months ago#161689by can't log in from my phone
If a corporate organziation asks that you submit your form/letter no later than 60 days prior your event, can I send it SOONER than 60 days. Like 90 days or will it get lost in the mix. Our event is in March and I'm ready to start sending out letters/emails, etc. But, I worry it might be too soon? Is there such a thing?
If a corporate organziation asks that you submit your form/letter no later than 60 days prior your event, can I send it SOONER than 60 days. Like 90 days or will it get lost in the mix. Our event is in March and I'm ready to start sending out letters/emails, etc. But, I worry it might be too soon? Is there such a thing?
Thank you for your response. My co-chairs and I were grappling with some of those issues you mentioned, so it's good to see we weren't missing something.