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page two......

17 years 7 months ago #134198 by dlf
Replied by dlf on topic RE: page two......
Crazy--you are SOOOO COOOL for doing that for your daughter. WOW!!! I'll bet she is in 7th heaven. Haven't read that book, sorry- but will look for it as my 9 year old is really into that stuff....cannot wait for HP book and are reading another knock off this month....he and I which is fun cause we can discuss. I'm interested in any reviews that pop up however....d
17 years 7 months ago #134194 by crazy4my2
Replied by crazy4my2 on topic RE: page two......
Luv - I've done the same birthday idea for both of my girls! I love it because it's so personal and it can be done very inexpensively (?) - a can of paint, bedding and few accents, bam! new room!

Ok, have a questions for you with the teen(s) about a book series. My 11 year old found a series of books called "Witched" - about a young girl orphaned, finds out is a witch and ends up batteling another family that is the bad guys(sounds a lot like Harry Potter). Now this was in the teen section and the bookstore employees were of no help. So to you all - anyone read it or heard about it?

Our summer plans are rolling along - getting ready for the annual trip to Tennessee. You've got to love when an idea comes together - my home town is located rightn near an Airforce base and I found out that they have a huge bat (the flying mammal) protection plann (my oldest loves bats, has since she was 4. Room is COVERED in bat posters, books, pillows, etc). Well, after a few phone calls to my mom who knows lots of people at the base, we hit pay dirt. I get to take her to the base for several nights of "working" with this guy who runs the program. She will be able to watch an evening cave emergance (when the whole colony comes out at dusk), help count them, etc.! She is over the moon!!

<font size=""2"">If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain - Maya Angelou</font><br />
<br><br />
<br>Life is an adventure - Seize each moment and make it your own!
17 years 7 months ago #134175 by dlf
Replied by dlf on topic RE: page two......
Hi B--glad you're poking you're head in. I thought perhaps you'd fallen off the PTO bandwagon. I know working both jobs not to mention the family is a ton of work. Summer days are moving right along here...the boys start their birthday series now so we have them having one party after another. Almost wish they were all born on the same day and be done with it you know :). Okay--back on my head...d
17 years 7 months ago #134172 by Shawn
Replied by Shawn on topic RE: page two......
~B nice to see you :D hope all is well in TN and to anyone else who's popped in and said 'hi!'

:) So they guy who ran us off the road a few months back got assault with deadly weapon or something to that effect (vehilce) reckless endangerment (vehicle), reckless driving (vehicle), and 4 other counts I cant remember for a total of 6yrs in prison (plus damage repair to our car) and 3 yrs suspended sentence and then parole.

Other than that its hott, hott, hott here in Sunny SoCal....... AAAAhhhh stop and smell the WD40 on my plants.....

Immigration Amnesty BS is D--E--A--D (now kick 'em all out PLEASE) -- weblog -- hehe I tried that once, maybe again someday (although still sending snail mail etc about the ridiculous trans fat free BS), hopefully eharmony winning the lawsuit against them will help kill this stupidity

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
17 years 7 months ago #134155 by PTOCES
Replied by PTOCES on topic RE: page two......
D- ( and everyone )
How ya doin?
I hope all is well with everyone. It was just my time to pop in and say hey. There has been a lot going on and there's too much to read on here since the last time I visited. I wish I could get on here more often, but I do check in on you all to see what is happening.
Have a great summer
17 years 7 months ago #134152 by dlf
Replied by dlf on topic RE: page two......
Love the idea of redoing a room as a gift. Ah girlie stuff -- I miss it....

As to closets...I always dread that effort. As soon as I throw something away I lament its loss....hmmm who's the packrat here...pretty here but hot hot hot...heading to a friends pool...SINCE MINE STILL ISN'T DONE....maybe next year!!!!
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