There must be brain waves in here too. Just picked up a gift certificate donation for a one hour massage and if I hadn't been the one to pick it up, I would be tempted... [img]smile.gif[/img]
First PTA meeting at the new school tonight (aside from exec board) and it went VERY well. 29 people there and a lot of conversation, 9 new volunteers and 28 kids in the contest so far (the massage is raffle prize for staff membership)
Seriously, I came up with the Nut idea long before Page Two but you did have me doubting myself... ANOTHER GUINESS please Metzy!
I have to put up another banner. We have preschool in the school and they don't have a banner. I here that you Amazon women will help me out?
Switching speeds now on the jukebox, See there is Elvis- Suspicious Minds, come on now, sing a long...
"We're caught in a trap, can't walk out...." [img]smile.gif[/img]