My heart and electric blacket goes to my Midwest friends!! My parents are freezing in Iowa and I hear about their dreams to come where it's warm...Colorado!! HA!!!
Well, in my bag is the stuff for beef stew for everyone! Should be ready in time for us to relax!
Sure missed you all! But you know...internet or van???? yeah, I choose the van repairs too!
Thanks for the cookies ScottMom.
The sun is bright and it's supposed to last all day! Yee Haw!
Guess I don't want to be stuck in here, so I'm headed for the door.
I'll be back this evening for the Happy Hour, barkeep, save my stool, please.
Well, I'm back from my 3rd night of college. I also saw the study about women who drink in moderation and I hope it includes virtual drinking. [img]smile.gif[/img] It's sad, but I'm already looking forward to Spring Break. Anyone want some sugar cookies? I'll leave them on the bar if you do.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
backhoed, You would notwant to see me drive in the snow. My husband tells me that I look like Mr. Magoo (remember that cartoon, or am I dating myself?), just driving in the rain [img]smile.gif[/img] .
I love the cold, for what we get, but I only like it from Oct. to Jan. after that I want Spring! But, then again I'll be B@@@hing about the heat, guess there's no pleasing me
Any way, hope all are safe and sound, PTO activities are going well.
Aren't kids amazing? Just when you think they might harm each other, they do the greatests things. My 7 yr. old and almost 3 yr.old, fight like cats and dogs, then one will do something special for the other. But then when I remember when my 17yr old. was smaller her and her younger sister did the same thing.
Actually, when I think back on it my sisters and I were the same way.