I look like no one in the family and the only left hander ('cept all my children) for like 8 generations. So not sure what tree I came from (and I'm a twin to boot)
Crew and dlf- All her children, we think she is pretty cool and one of our best friends. (Hope my kids will think the same someday of her and me)
As a Sergeant I got to swear her into the Army Reserves over 20 yrs ago and even taught (assisted mostly) some of her officer basic classes while I was stationed at Ft Sam Houston. All the sergeants in my Combat Aviation Division replied to her "Yes, Mom" instead of "Yes, Ma'am while she was there.. much to the the chagrine of other officers [Plus Enlisted and Officers arent supposed to fraternize- What, I'm not gonna visit with my Mom? (that made for some interesting times)] She had 3 boys in the military and decided after getting divorced, she needed to see the world- and got to see way more than she bargained for.
She's cool wouldnt want my 5 kids (or the other 9 neices and nefews to have any other grandma (nana).
Enough of my mom, dont want to sound like a momma's boy
'cuz I aint (got good grammar, either)
Nite Nite dont let the bedbugs bite (too hard)
The slogan is wAY cool and the Trojan one I'm not even thinking (LALALAL I cant hear you LALALALLA)
[ 06-20-2006, 05:11 AM: Message edited by: Shawn ]