GaMom, I hear you and I'm here to help you virtually drink until you feel better about whatever it is that is bugging you.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Uh - Oh Ga Mom......what in the world happened? You sound like you are in a major funk!
Drink of your choice - and try some dark chocolate (don't know why - but when I'm in your state, the dark seems oh so much more satisfying ), and my favorite cure all - bubble bath with some good music and lots of candles!
<font size=""2"">If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain - Maya Angelou</font><br />
<br><br />
<br>Life is an adventure - Seize each moment and make it your own!
will someone please tell me why as women we can be so sensitive? why can't we just be able to look into other people hearts and see how they really mean things, instead of having to interpret and then be wrong? why can't we see that when someone starts getting defensive, it is typically because their feelings are hurt and aren't mad, just hurt? why do women have to be so catty and defensive with each other? why can't we see that we are all (or most) after the same goal? why do we make things harder than they actually are? why can't we accept things are the way they are and not try to change them? why do we give our heart and soul to things only to end up crying afterword?
i need major liquer and major amounts of chocolate!!!!!!
Well--after 20 years of not being able to say this with a straight face at any of the football events I've attended for my alma matter...may I just take a moment and say
The young .200 hitting defensive C and WS GM1 starter with the worst stats ever needed some Props- proving that brains sometimes win out
GO Cards or Det (I dont really care which wins)
<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...