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page two......

18 years 2 months ago #124641 by Silver Fox
Replied by Silver Fox on topic RE: page two......
Whew ... miss a couple days and it takes a while to get caught up! Susan Sarandon huh? Okay. Oh ~ I am definately all woman. :D
I have had quite a few people pestering me for Christmas lists for the kids. I refuse on moral grounds to hand them out until Thanksgiving ~ we all have enough stress now that the holidays are starting. My thoughts - everyone can just stop asking for a list and try to enjoy what few days they have left before everyone goes retail crazy.
Shawn - nice photo. In reference to your wifes' thoughts on your on-line persona ~ I once had a professor who refered to his wife as "my current wife." His rationalization was "you just never know what can happen from day to day." If your wife begins to refer to you as "my current husband" you could be in trouble. ;)
Have a good day all!

<font size=""1"">We must overcome the notion that we must be robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to do the mediocre."</font> (Uta Hagen)</font></font><br /><br> <br /><br>"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments...
18 years 2 months ago #124640 by LUVMYKIDS
Replied by LUVMYKIDS on topic RE: page two......
Scottsmom, I can totally relate. My daughter was in gifted programs all through elementary, but when she took her test in 5th grade she for some reason didn't score as high as usual. She had been sick earlier in the week and we think she was just too worn out. The TAG teacher wasn't concerned because she had a whole IEP packet made up for her that went to middle school. Well, guess what, they only looked at the test scores and didn't put her in any TAG classes. She was furious, I was furious, her former TAG teacher was totally frustrated. I made some phone calls and visits and got it straightened out. This year she had an assignment in her advanced language arts of writing a letter to the editor. She wrote on the topic of standardized testing and how it is not always effective in identifying gifted children!! That's my girl!

Then there is my son. He is off the charts and the teachers are always amazed at his higher level of thinking, however every year we struggle to keep him engaged in class. If you don't challenge him, he'll torture you. This is the first year where we have had NO behavior issues. Why? Because he finally has a classroom teacher who is completely willing to work with the TAG teacher to give him the challenge he needs.

Don't give up. Speak with the classroom teacher, the TAG teacher, the principal, anyone you can to make sure your child is getting what he needs. They started doing compacting with my son in third grade, check into that, and ask if the TAG programs "rotate in". Students who are strong in just certain areas are brought into the TAG program during those segments.

I can send you a copy of my daughter's letter too!! Ha Ha!

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
18 years 2 months ago #124639 by crazy4my2
Replied by crazy4my2 on topic RE: page two......
Oh Scottsmom - I understand exactly how you feel! Before my oldest was tested, she was HELPING with the other students becasue she was so bored! Push for anything extra you can get him into: William and Mary, Hands on Science, in school "GT" or advanced classes (our school usually has adv. reading and math classes). Also, maybe (worth questioning) he could retake it? I really don't remember how that works, though. Best of luck - nothing stinks more than your child being bored at school!


<font size=""2"">If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain - Maya Angelou</font><br />
<br><br />
<br>Life is an adventure - Seize each moment and make it your own!
18 years 2 months ago #124638 by Shawn
Replied by Shawn on topic RE: page two......
He wore that cowboy hat to cover up his horns.
Sweet-talkin' forked tongue haf a temptin' charm.
Before I turned around, that girl was gone.

As my wife has said I impart fascinating information and can help people reach profoundly significant insights, but that I sometimes resort to mischievous or devilish (I would say ‘playful’) measures in order to do so. I am flattered by the praise.

She knew my kryptonite was a beautiful woman with a southern drawl, long hair, sundress, curves and a smile before she married me for better or for worse

My new image (ME)

[ 11-15-2006, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: Shawn ]

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
18 years 2 months ago #124637 by GaMom
Replied by GaMom on topic RE: page two......
What grade is he in? What subjects does he really excel in? I'm just wondering if although he doesn't test for gifted, if he could be placed in the next grade for whatever subject he excels in? It is hard to get this done, but if you hae the teachers backing you, you might can. That is tough, I'm kinda like that with my youngest. His class has 11 SST students, and 3 middle of the pack, and 2 very above the rest. he is one of the above. i am constantly worrying about him being bored, cause the papers he brings, are things we did in the summer. His reading level is 2 grades above the grade he is in. There are so many kids that don't pass the test, but are qualified in every other way, and that 2 year thing just stinks! They could have test anxiety, be sick, or just not understand a question but are penalized for 2 years. Stinks!!!!!!!

have a good day--off to do teacher thanksgiving luncheon. It looks like our weather is going to be pretty rough all day.
Everyone be careful!

18 years 2 months ago #124636 by ScottMom#1
Replied by ScottMom#1 on topic RE: page two......
Ga and Crazy, I don't envy you. This is my first semester off in 18 months. I was going full time and doing the PTO stuff and staying at home with my youngest while doing fill in babysitting for a little spending money. I took this semester off because I had surgery in May and didn't think I'd be recuped enough to get through, as well as, moving into our new house, which is still making me crazy. I'm applying for nursing school for next fall as we speak. My last semester I took microbiology w/lab, algebra, public speaking, and a computer class = 12 hours. The semester before I lost my mind and took anatomy w/lab, chemistry w/lab, and physiology w/lab = 13 hours. I had a quiz every week in anatomy and end of chapter problems every week in chem. It was insane.

My trauma of the day, they tested my middle child for gifted. Which all signs, except said test, show he his. My poor son is bored out of his mind, and, as the typical middle child, is a follower (of the bad kids) and not a leader. Needless to say, I'm concerned that he's not getting what he needs but because he answered a handful of questions wrong, he won't get any extra help and can't be tested again for almost 2 years. The really sad thing his, they showed me his test and told me they think he might have been confused by what was asked. He got all of the easy ones and all of the hard ones but had trouble in between. I just don't understand how so many trained people can say, "Oh, he's got to be gifted because..." and all the material says he's gifted, but this one test his going to hold him back. Seriously, I'm trying not to go insane by all this but sometimes I think my kids would benefit so much more by being homeschooled.

As for Joy, I can see the resemblance! I don't like Star either.

Now I'm off to watch my recording of House (my secret pleasure) and get some sleep. 'Night.

[ 11-15-2006, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: ScottMom#1 ]

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
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