Wow Shawn, you're amazing! Kristin Chenoweth, that's totally me except I'm a brunette.....and I'm dreaming now.
I told my husband I was sending a note home looking for help with our upcoming craft event and he laughed at me! Another moment of dreaming I guess. I would have punched him if he would have been next to me instead of on the phone.
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
18 years 3 months ago#124622by <beignets&coffee>
Wow, Shawn, you're good at this game! You're exactly right. If we didn't already know what Tim looks like we could've had a lot of fun with him too.... I'd say Ben Affleck in Boiler Room.
GaMom - :eek: It's hysterical, really. Yeah, you have to go back. At least it was two boys trying to figure out what all boys are trying to figure out and not a boy and a girl - which makes parents crazy! Hey, have fun at work today.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."
"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
OMG--Shawn--Rachel Weisz...I'm in love with you...I'm in love with cyberland--what was that movie where when folks went into dreams they could become whatever they wanted to be. It was a Freddie Kruger movie....ahhhh fantasy.
B--you poor site keeps crashing. Remember when you didn't know how to do them and worked forever, and now you just shake it off and make another one....amazing. It looks terrific.
GaMom--I was just thinking that my boys are probably getting to that stage now...I don't relish the fact but will chalk it up to the curiosity stuff. Just hope it doesn't happen in school!!!!
Okay--morning time. I've been in school the past 2 mornings presenting our spirit award and don't have another one till tomorrow. This year we're giving out Bobcat Bucks (2) that the children can use in the Spirit do they LOVE THAT!!! They are so darn cute!!!
This happened in my pre-k class yesterday. We have a felt board up beside a cube white board that the kids can play with during center time. We two boys (one white, one black--this is important info) were behind the felt board. This boys are typical rough and tumble boys--cars, blocks, etc--not felt board kids. So i walk over to see what is going on, and one is jsut snickering like crazy. The other boy had his pants DOWN! So in talking to them, I find out that they were COMPARING because as one child said, I wanted to see if his looked like mine, since he is dark. They one I saw was the black boy, but the white child also admitted he had shown his to!
ME- I'll stick with the Ted Danson- Becker schtich</font>
Now mind you living next to the stars I've met and know these women personally - so no griping about my casting for my personality dream my apologies for leaving anyone out
<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...