Critter you are too funny, a couple of weeks ago another committee at our school did a survey on conference night, when my husband went to compile the info there was a write in that the parent group seems to be a cliche! Funny thing was this survey had nothing to do with the pto at all, not a line but someone wanted that info known! With our event survey I expect some not so postive feedback but when you stop learning you stop growing!
"When you stop learning you stop growing."
i think both methods are equally valid and informational and useful, just diffeernetn ways to acheive the same end.
but also importantly, oftentimes, one hears suggestions ONLY if it can be provided in anonymous fashion. many people , many many many people, are afraid to speak up in public lest their thought not be met with accpetance.
many establkishments have suggestion boxes, there must be a reason.
suggestion boxes are fine but even better is to go to a meeting and discuss things. That way you can show your passion for yor like or dislike of something. this seems to be effective for our PTO.
i think a suggestion box at front office, for use all year round, would be a good way to get spontaneous, timely, anonymous, feedback to PTO matters and as events roll out.
when things are fresh in the mind, good feedback is easier. if you have to think, for a year end or start survey, now what was it about last years or this years events or funcitons that i liked/didnt like,,,,well that takes time and time erases memories.
True Critter, very true. This is also not a scientific survey meaning you are probably getting surveys back from folks that are involved and supportive for the most part. It would be different if returning the surveys was mandatory and you got a true sampling of everyone (PTO and non PTO). Either way, you usually get mostly supportive stuff, at least one flamer and then for the most part some constructive thoughts on how to proceed. In the end, at least you've asked and presented a venue for feedback. Keeping that line open even to non members is crucial. I did a very unscientific review of who was supporting our fundraisers and many, many were non PTO members. I'm glad they have a voice....d