We deliberately have a large board, because our board meets monthly and conducts all PTO business. It consists of 20-30 people, depending on how many co-chairs we have and if the same person holds more than one position. General meetings are only held twice - in May to elect officers and in August to approve the budget. (Note, Board Meetings are open if anyone wants to attend.)
Our Board Members include:
Elected Officers (6)
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Past President
School Reps (4)
Principal, Vice Principal, Two Teacher Reps
Grade Level Volunteer Coordinators (6)
One from each of the grades K-5
Chairs of Standing Committees (6)
Community Relations, Fund-Raising, Hospitality,
Membership, Publicity, T-Shirt, Volunteer
Chairs of Ad Hoc Committees (9)
Depends on committees in place
Our books are audited each summer (for free) by the school district's auditor. If he wasn't available, we'd assemble an audit committee.
Our officers are as follows:
1st VP- oversees membership
2nd VP- in charge of fundraisers
Recording Sect.
Corresponding Sect.
Honorary VP- this is the Principal
By-Laws - this is usually our past president
At the end of each school year we find a local accountant(it could be a parent or someone a parent knows) who goes through everything and prepares our IRS paperwork. That way the books are all checked out before they are handed over to the next person. We can usually find someone who will do it for free.
Thanks for the response. We also have people in charge of fundraising, volunteers, etc. We call them committee chairs, not "board members". So, you don't have an official auditor? Who looks over the treasurers books periodically?
Currently, we have 6 officers on our PTO Board.
-Recording Secretary
-Corresponding Secretary
We are a very small (160 students), private school. Being so small, it's a chore in itself just to get people to agree to be nominated. I've looked around on the internet at some of the area school and have seen that lots of their PTO's only have 4 officers consisting of pres, vp, secretary, treas.
As the new president, I want to address the issue.