Our school has about 520 students, Pre-K through 5. We have 5 on the Board: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Parliamentarian. The first four are elected each year, and the last position is filled by the previous year's President.
On Council we have 6.
President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President (although that position has been vacant for a couple of years), Secretary, Treasurer and Rural Schools advisor. We also have positions on the Board of Managers for consultants.
At my now past school, we had 4. President, VP, Sec and Tres. Another school under me is like JHB's they have a large number of officers.
We have 6 positions and every position that can be filled except Teacher Liaison and Principal.
President/ Co-President
Vice President/ Co-Vice President
Treasurer/ Co-Treasurer
Teacher Liaison
We felt it important to ensure a teacher had a place on the board so we incorporated a voting position in Teacher Liaison. We have found it very helpful in keeping in good with the teachers.