Ok -- I am shagged-- I would like a copy of this as well. I am a new President of our PTO -- our Prs. resigned this summer -- and I was Vice pres-- and moved on up -- when I returned from the summer on the east coast -- our treasurer also resigned -- she was burned out (I knew it LAST year -- but she was just not ready to admit it) -- so now I am Pres. AND treasurer until our new treasurer takes over in October... so any and all help is GREATLY appreciated! I am spending my "free time" reading EVERYTHING I can find! thanks to you all! :cool: from the west coast
I took a summer hiatus but have been emailing the agenda topic forms to those who have asked. It think I'm caught up for August so if you made a reqeust in September I'll email you one.
The agenda topic form is used to explain to the board and the membership - in full detail - an item that will be discussed. Preferrably one that carries a large dollar amount and needs to be voted on.
I can include back up paperwork such as quotes or pictures and it includes a variation of pro/con senarios.
Thanks for the interest. I hope it helps make things more clear to your organizations.
Me too! Me too! I would love a copy. This is our first year too & we need all the help we can get. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just a thanks too. I have gleaned so much here! I am sorta the research girl. It doesn't have that under secretary in our by-laws, I'm starting to think it should. Ha! Ha!