I am proud to tell you I survived the Treasurer from last year telling me my opinon as the Secretary ment nothing to her and I should just shut up....for some odd reason I wiped my tears and stayed, this year I am the President and funny thing, I sure have better relationships with the entire school than she ever did!
We are here for you, DO tell these parents 'I will say Yes if you nominate me but I will also need you next year'! Is there a way to turn this around? Useing your sense of humor, without getting gossipy? After my meeting from hell, the VP asked if I was OK and the first thing I could say was "I feel bad for her kids. They live with all that anger and yuck!" You know lemons into lemon-aide!
I can't see what the Principal can do about 2 parents that have an aditude problem....mine told me to hang in there and gave me a hug! That is THE LAST thing they want to do is get in the middle of ......but if the VOLUNTEERS complain about the way THEY have been treated THAT my friend (I have learned) is a new twist!! Alot more can be done if parents giving their time are treated like ...... you get the picture! I highly recommend that!
Please hang in there... sounds like you have an awsome team of parents that will keep you strong- keep them strong, have them inform the Principal about the way they are being treated. Rome and New York were not built in a day by a PTO President!
Please let us know how your doing!!
[ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: mykidsmom ]</p>