Hey, Dianna,
Here's the thing. We are a very divided PTO to begin with. In the beginning of the year, our president resigned after eight or so years. She was finished. Done.
Probably the biggest problem within our PTO is communication or lack thereof. We have no ways and means committee, and yes, you're right. There is no approval/backing needed before something is done.
If someone wants to do something, you ask, and viola. We had an auction last year, and it had good and bad press. Good from attendees, bad from those who chose not to go.
Based on the fact that we had one, we decided to have one again next year. Bad move, apparently. This is what started the pot on the boil.
Now, everyone feels that since this decision was just "made," I, of course, have a hidden agenda, myself. My thought was just to stick as close to the status quo, but to tweak it to build community (yay), get more bang for our buck and hopefully eliminate the need for superfluous fundraisers.
We have the opportunity (or allowed) to do three fundraisers per year. This is the only one we have committed to doing so far next year.
Does that answer your question? Yes, I know it sounds odd, but welcome to our PTO. God love them, they mean nothing but the best, I truly believe that, but I think their methods could use a little help.