We have a large elementary school and a small board. Our bylaws allow us to have a President, Pres. elect, secretary, treasurer and ways and means (fundraising) member. We used to have a corresponding secretary and a recording secretary but we combined the positions. We are actually changing our bylaws to have an assistant treasurer as a non-voting board position. The treasurer job was too big but we didn't want to have an even number on the board.
In our elementary PTO, we deliberately had a very large board as the Board conducts all PTO business. General meetings are held only twice a year.
The board included:
Elected Officers (pres, vic-pres, sec, treas, parlimentarian, and past-pres)</font>
School reps (Principal, Assistant Principal, plus two teacher reps</font>
All committee chairs</font>
Grade parent reps (K-5)</font>
Depending on how many people served two roles or how many positions were co-chaired, it made for a group of 25-35 people.
In our middle school, it's much more informal. I'm not sure they really distinguish too much if a meeting is a Board meeting or general meeting - it's just a "PTO" meeting. But in the bylaws, it includes the elected officers, committee chairs, and principal. I don't remember if we had teacher reps.
This year, we have co-presidents, co-vice presidents, co- secretaries, co-treasurers, and 4 members-at-large. We chose to elect members-at-large to represent unrepresented segments of our school population.
Madison PTO
Mount Vernon, WA
I just has some success at getting parents to volunteers. Every Friday, PTO does a concession for the students. Every Monday, I send home a weekly newsletter, letting parents know what's going on in regards to PTO. This week on the front page I put a very large not about Friday's concession being cancelled due to lack of volunteers. Needless to say, I know have 3 parents willing to work concession this Friday.
Melissa Constantine
18 years 9 months ago#103242by Melissa Constantine
We have a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and historian. Our principal and teacher rep also attend all meetings. This year we created a position for a fundraiser coordinator and a volunteer coordinator. Technically, they are not board positions, but since we don't have board meetings, only general ones, they are always there.