Our by-laws state up to 3 candidates may run for a position. We use a nominating committee. A full slate...
Asked by strohc49 in Bylaws
Carnival Traditions that aren't working.. HELP!
I need guidance. Keep in mind, this is a small school. K-12 is less than 250.
Our group hosts a carnival...
Asked by Cherifisher9 in Fundraising
To verses pto
Went to my son meet the teacher having been told the pto would have a table set up only to find out they...
Asked by Chrisawn in Communications
Executive board members vs. members at large
Do executive board members have final authority on decisions such as events run by committees or does...
Asked by Anonymous in Events, Programs, & Activities
Voting out a board member
We want to vote out a board member, our bylaws state we can remove a board member beefier the end of...
Asked by Rbaca in Bylaws
Auditing the books
When you have a year where you have a new board installed, who actually does the audit of the books for...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Best Fundraising Ideas
What are the best fundraising ideas?
Asked by Anonymous in Fundraising
Filing 990N
What type of documentation does the PTO use when filing 990N for "gross receipts"? Do you attach your...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Summer spending for a new PTO
I am the president of a brand new PTO for a new school being built. We started bringing in funds through...
Asked by VickyFrescas in Finance & Budget
Removing a Board Member
We had an incident with 2 board members, one being the treasurer, where the police had to be called because...
Asked by Anonymous in Meetings & Robert's Rules