Fiduciary Agreement
Hi. We have a new Principal and she is pushing us to sign a fiduciary agreement and sign over our money...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
PTO pay for limo for teachers to use a holiday party?
I have a request from a teacher that we use PTO funds to pay $600 for a limo to transport teachers to...
Asked by Anonymous in Events, Programs, & Activities
School Board won't let us keeps our funds until we are a 501c3
HI there, we are forming a PTO for our brand new small charter school. We are getting push back from...
Asked by Anonymous in Fundraising
Selling note cards to fund art award
I want to sell note card sets featuring my father's art in order to fund an art award in his name to...
Asked by Anonymous in Fundraising
Do I need to be incorporated?
We are a brand-spankin' new PTO. We have $200 to our name. I'd like to open a bank account. I have...
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Using PTO as a "pass-thru"
What are your thoughts on the school using the PTO as a pass-thru for accessing money quicker. For example,...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Resigning & ByLaws
I have been on the PTO for many years (more than I should have). The current bylaws states that each...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
How can we start a fund for students-in-need?
We would like to start a fund for students in need, but don't know how to manage/document it properly....
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
PTO using money for personal use - repercussions?
Long story short.
PTO members spent a bunch of money on stuff over summer, wasn't voted on but was...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Restarting a new PTO
We are having a big issue at our school where the current PTO Executive Board is not following their...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board