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Q&A: Volunteers & Involvement
Outgoing member gift
We would like to honor our outgoing members that have been board members for many years. We will take...
Asked by rur36e in Volunteers & Involvement
PTA vs PTO - differences and benefits
What is the difference and what are the benefits of a PTO vs a PTA?
Asked by angelshke in Volunteers & Involvement
Out of control
I am a member of the executive board of our PTO. We have a parent with a long history of counter-productive...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
Volunteer Appreciation
What is a great way to thank the volunteers that have helped out so far this year?
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
Help finding donations
I work for Communities In Schools For Arizona. I work at a middle school in Phoenix. We are having a...
Asked by jeannej56 in Volunteers & Involvement
The link for the 2 hour pledge Interest Survey & Pledge Form doesn't work!
Is it just me or does the link not work? I would like to be able to access the link so that I can customize...
Asked by raidybaby in Volunteers & Involvement
Sample of thank you letters
Hi! Can someone help me? I would like to send out a thank you letter to the parents for their donations...
Asked by lilsweetness19 in Volunteers & Involvement
Who delegates??
From my experience, when committees are "signed up" for, the people on the committee itself decide who...
Asked by CC3 in Volunteers & Involvement
School's roof is damaged
Our schools roof is damaged and there's no funds to repair it. What can the PTO do to help or should...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
Can one person run a PTO?
I get along with a lot of the parents at my school. I have five members that are in the PTO with me....
Asked by wendym in Volunteers & Involvement