Question: The link for the 2 hour pledge Interest Survey & Pledge Form doesn't work!
Is it just me or does the link not work? I would like to be able to access the link so that I can customize the form for our school. Thanks!
Asked by raidybaby
Advice from PTO Today
Craig writes:I just tried it and it seems to be live. Would you email or pm me the URL of the page where you found the link and the browser version you're using (eg Internet Explorer 8.0, etc.)? My email is or you can just click on my name to send a message.
Community Advice
MES PTO writes:I just tried but am unable to see the link. I would like to be able to access the link so that I can customize the form for our school. Thank you!!
Advice from PTO Today
Rose H writes:Hi MES PTO,
I am checking on it now and will get back to you ASAP.
Advice from PTO Today
Rose H writes:Hi MES PTO,
I was able to download the items (browser: Safari). Let me know if you are still having trouble and I can get the downloads to you.
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