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Q&A: Volunteers & Involvement
How many PTO groups can there be in one school?
At my school, we have had a very good PTO that goes directly by the rules. The school principal and...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
How does someone go about a Comlaint of someone on the PTA
I'm a Proctor at a School,. We have a PTA mom that feels she runs the School and Does not comply with...
Asked by Sylvia1st in Volunteers & Involvement
membership management website / software
Our PTO has gone digital for almost everything except membership. We are looking for software to keep...
Asked by dstryker in Volunteers & Involvement
My first year
I wanted to know if I could be interviewed for the PTO Today Magazine...Ive done some amazing things...
Asked by tiphanny in Volunteers & Involvement
Scholarships for field trips
I was just voted in as the PTO president for the next school year and a question came up regarding scholarships...
Asked by kdwhites in Volunteers & Involvement
Handling Volunteers
Hi - When there is a function at your school, who is in charge of placing the volunteers? What happens...
Asked by suzptohelp in Volunteers & Involvement
parent & teacher involment
dose any one have suggestions on how we can get our staff and parents to come to our meetings and to...
Asked by svc28 in Volunteers & Involvement
Volunteering commitments
I am wondering if anyone has recommendations on how to track required volunteer hours? How do you enforce...
Asked by spetkewich in Volunteers & Involvement
What should we use to identify volunteers at PTO events?
Our PTO would like to give T-Shirts to our volunteers for them to wear when they are volunteering for...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
K-5 Elementary schools changing to K-2 and 3-5 centers
Our school district recently changed our K-5 elementary schools into elementary "centers" (K-2nd grade...
Asked by kimgleason in Volunteers & Involvement