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March Madness (Basketball) - Collection Sheet
Use this collection sheet in late February-early March to get your school excited about Box Tops & March Madness
Downloads: 4820 Hot!
PTO Today: "Dads Wanted" Flyer
Fun and customizable flyer that encourages fathers to volunteer.
Downloads: 2769 Hot!
Wear what you want tickets for private or charter schools when parents attend a PTO meeting
Tickets are distributed after meetings to parents
Downloads: 4080 Hot!
Wanted !!! A Few good DADS!
Another clever poster for Dads to participate by chaperoning.
Downloads: 4120 Hot!
Help Wanted - Chaperone Today!!
This is a really clever "Help Wanted" poster that we used to entice Dads to help with Lunch Duty.
Downloads: 4195 Hot!
PTO Today: Parent Involvement Toolkit
Comprehensive guide to help build parent involvement at your school.
PTO Today: Calling All Dads Flyer (black and white)
Customizable black-and-white flyer explaining why dads need to get involved.
PTO Today: Calling All Dads Flyer (color)
Customizable color flyer explaining why dads need to get involved.
Donuts with Dads flier
We sell Krispy Kremes the week before this event. We pick them up from the nearest KK, which is 250 miles away, on the Monday morning before. Parents who order pick up that morning. We keep the donuts for Donuts with Dads in our cars until needed, which acts like freezers, since we are in northern Michigan. :)
Downloads: 8806 Hot!
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