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PTO Today: Fundraising Checklist

PTO Today: Fundraising Checklist

9 tips to make your fundraising communication better (and get more participation as a result).
Downloads: 97 plus iconMembers only ?
Parent Handout: Promoting Fundraisers on Social Media

Parent Handout: Promoting Fundraisers on Social Media

Send home this handout along with details about your school or parent group fundraiser. The tips will help parents make posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter that draw more attention.

Downloads: 995 Hot!
Penny War Flyer: Positive Pennies

Penny War Flyer: Positive Pennies

Editable flyer to promote a penny war fundraiser at your school that includes a simple explanation of how "positive" pennies work. Also available is a positive pennies rules printable to place next to coin collection containers, if desired.
For more information, read "How To Run a School Penny War Fundraiser."

Downloads: 13709 Hot!
Box Tops Earnings Potential Flyer

Box Tops Earnings Potential Flyer

Box Tops for Education Earnings Potential Flyer

A great break down and visual to see the earnings your school could make collecting Box Tops!

Downloads: 3384 Hot!
6 Fun Fundraisers

6 Fun Fundraisers

Fun ways to make some cash for your school, like duct-taping the principal, hat day, and more.
Downloads: 2919 Hot!


This is a simple form that can be filled out and given to whomever is in charge of creating flyers.
Downloads: 1795 Hot!
Sponsorship Flyer

Sponsorship Flyer

Our school has a Mobile App that we sell sponsorships on to make money and this flyer is given to local businesses to see if they want to participate.
Downloads: 1992 Hot!
Duct-Tape the Principal Flyer

Duct-Tape the Principal Flyer

Customizable flyer to promote a duct tape fundraiser, which typically charges $1 per strip of duct tape to tape your school's principal to a wall.
Downloads: 13265 Hot!
Restaurant Night Agreement

Restaurant Night Agreement

If you want to have a fundraiser at a restaurant (some restaurants call it a spirit night) or other dining establishment, use this document so that th
Downloads: 9875 Hot!
General Donation Request Signs for Money Collection Jug

General Donation Request Signs for Money Collection Jug

This file contains signs that we attached to a large collection jug and display at every event.
Downloads: 5513 Hot!
Membership Drive - Merchant Donation Thank You Letter

Membership Drive - Merchant Donation Thank You Letter

"got Spirit?" themed Thank You letter to Merchant for donating services/discounts for the Membership Drive.
Downloads: 4978 Hot!
Membership Drive - Merchant Donation Agreement

Membership Drive - Merchant Donation Agreement

This is a "got Spirit?" themed agreement for donation. They donated discounts for a fundraiser type card that was given to members after they signed
Downloads: 3683 Hot!
Secured Gifts-In-Kind Auction Donation Form

Secured Gifts-In-Kind Auction Donation Form

Use this Gifts-In-Kind donation form for all of your secured donations.
Downloads: 14867 Hot!
PTO Today: Breakfast With Santa Flyer

PTO Today: Breakfast With Santa Flyer

Customizable sheet for a fun holiday breakfast fundraiser.
Downloads: 3999 Hot!
How to Host a Successful Crop Fundraiser

How to Host a Successful Crop Fundraiser

This document contains all my notes from hosting scrapbook crop fundraisers at my school for the last 5 years.
Downloads: 1329 Hot!
Battery Fundraiser Sample Letter

Battery Fundraiser Sample Letter

Sample letter for a succesful Battery and Flashlight Fundraiser.
Downloads: 2574 Hot!
Casino Night Flier

Casino Night Flier

Flier for a Casino Night within our organization.
Downloads: 2105 Hot!
Letter to Solicit Advertisers for a Yearbook

Letter to Solicit Advertisers for a Yearbook

letter soliciting advertisements for yearbook
Downloads: 16173 Hot!
Freedom Elementary Courtyard Memory Bricks

Freedom Elementary Courtyard Memory Bricks

Freedom Elementary Courtyard Memory Brick order form.
Downloads: 1206 Hot!
Performance Gram

Performance Gram

A gram that parents can buy and send to children who are performing at a concert or other event.
Downloads: 1058 Hot!

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