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Nonprofit Donation Receipt (Excel)
A fully editable and customizable spreadsheet form to provide to community members who make donations to your federally recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt group. Formatted with space to fill in your group's name, EIN, and event details as well as other details related to the donation received.

Fundraiser Donation Request Letter
This letter template can be customized to request donations of merchandise for a silent auction or any other type of fundraiser and also explains how the PTO will recognize donors. (See also Event Donation Request Letter.)
Downloads: 194804 Hot!

Event Donation Request Letter
Sample letter asking for a business donation to a fun run event. The letter may be customized for different types of events.
Downloads: 72875 Hot!

Sponsorship Flyer
Our school has a Mobile App that we sell sponsorships on to make money and this flyer is given to local businesses to see if they want to participate.
Downloads: 1992 Hot!

Thank-You Letter for Business Donors
An editable letter to send to businesses that donate goods or services to your parent group.
Downloads: 6074 Hot!

General Donation Request Signs for Money Collection Jug
This file contains signs that we attached to a large collection jug and display at every event.
Downloads: 5513 Hot!

Membership Drive - Merchant Donation Thank You Letter
"got Spirit?" themed Thank You letter to Merchant for donating services/discounts for the Membership Drive.
Downloads: 4978 Hot!

Membership Drive - Merchant Donation Agreement
This is a "got Spirit?" themed agreement for donation. They donated discounts for a fundraiser type card that was given to members after they signed
Downloads: 3683 Hot!

Membership Drive - Certificate of Appreciation for Merchant Donation
Had Merchants donate services, similar to a Fundraising Card, but instead of selling them as fundraisers, gave them to the PTA Members that signed up
Downloads: 3476 Hot!

Auction Wish List
Post this sheet on your site or distribute as a reference of the type of items that you would love to include in your auction!
Downloads: 11300 Hot!

Secured Gifts-In-Kind Auction Donation Form
Use this Gifts-In-Kind donation form for all of your secured donations.
Downloads: 14867 Hot!

Corporate Donaters Consolidated Lists from Forum
Collection of 414 pages from corporate donors forum
I basically cut n pasted the donors names, addresses etc.
Downloads: 5147 Hot!

Ryan Elementary PTO Flat donation drive
Ryan Elementary Flat Donation drive letter and form
Downloads: 11175 Hot!

AirTran display tickets
For those who have received AirTran tickets, I used this to put out for our auction. It purposely does not reveal the certificate numbers.
Downloads: 2924 Hot!

Letter to Solicit Advertisers for a Yearbook
letter soliciting advertisements for yearbook
Downloads: 16173 Hot!

PTO Today: Auction Underwriter Form
Customizable form to collect underwriting support from organizations for your PTO or PTA auction event.

Middle School Fun Run Donation Processing Flow
One of several forms posted here for a Fun Run done at a middle school
Downloads: 4013 Hot!

Sample Budget Request Form
This is a sample of our Budget Request Form. I've seen these also referred to as Teacher Grant Request Forms.
Downloads: 12577 Hot!
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