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Fund Run Lap Cards
Use these cute lap cards to help track students' progress at your school fund run. When a student completes a lap, a volunteer uses a marker or hole punch to mark next blank box on the card.
Downloads: 1882 Hot!

Thanksgiving Jogathon Lap Cards
Use these cute lap cards to help track students' progress at your Thanksgiving jogathon. When a student completes a lap, a volunteer uses a marker or hole punch to mark next blank box on the card.
Downloads: 1111 Hot!

Jogathon Lap Cards
Use these cute lap cards to help track students' progress at your school jogathon. When a student completes a lap, a volunteer uses a marker or hole punch to mark next blank box on the card.
Downloads: 2579 Hot!

Color Run Lap Cards
Use these cute lap cards to help track students' progress at your color run. When a student completes a lap, a volunteer uses a marker or hole punch to mark next blank box on the card.
Downloads: 2334 Hot!

Fun Run Lap Cards
Use these cute lap cards to help track students' progress at your school fun run. When a student completes a lap, a volunteer uses a marker or hole punch to mark next blank box on the card.
Downloads: 2588 Hot!

Nonprofit Donation Receipt (Excel)
A fully editable and customizable spreadsheet form to provide to community members who make donations to your federally recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt group. Formatted with space to fill in your group's name, EIN, and event details as well as other details related to the donation received.

Multilingual Thank-You Gift Tags
Say thanks to volunteers, teachers, or anyone else in the school community in five different languages! Punch a hole at the top and attach with a ribbon, tape to the front of a gift, or write a note of thanks on the back. Three different tag designs are included in this file.
Downloads: 4251 Hot!

"You Set the Stage for Success" Certificates
Let your teachers know that they are stars in your eyes! This file has three versions of a customizable movie star-theme certificate for related teacher appreciation activities. Add your parent group's name, an individual teacher's name, and what star quality they are being recognized for.
Downloads: 3989 Hot!

Parent Group Treasurer's Planning Checklist
Handy to do list of tasks for PTO and PTA treasurers for the whole year.
Downloads: 9118 Hot!

Parent Punch Card for Attending Events
Customize this “PTO Parent Punch Card” with your group’s key events for the year to encourage attendance. Distribute to parents in your welcome packet and encourage them to bring it to events. For every event they attend, give them a punch (or stamp). If they’ve “punched” all events by the end of the year, they’ll be entered to win a prize. You could even make significant events worth two punches!
Downloads: 16056 Hot!

Superhero Teacher Appreciation Water Bottle Labels
Make your school's teachers feel like the heroes they are by planning a superheroes-theme event. Use these water bottle labels along with our superheroes-theme announcement, invitation, "I teach. What's your superpower?" poster, table tent/cards, iron-on transfers, and photo booth props to plan a special Teacher Appreciation Week (or any time of the year) event.
Downloads: 10884 Hot!

Superhero Teacher Appreciation Table Tents
Make your school's teachers feel like the heroes they are by planning a superheroes-theme event. Use these table tents (which can also be used as cards) along with our superheroes-theme announcement, invitation, "I teach. What's your superpower?" poster, photo booth props, iron-on transfers, and water bottle labels to plan a special Teacher Appreciation Week (or any time of the year) event.
Downloads: 3417 Hot!

Superhero Teacher Appreciation Poster
Make your school's teachers feel like the heroes they are by planning a superheroes-theme event. Use this poster ("I teach. What's your superpower?") along with our superheroes-theme announcement, invitation, photo booth props, table tent/cards, iron-on transfers, and water bottle labels to plan a special Teacher Appreciation Week (or any time of the year) event.
Downloads: 4318 Hot!

Superhero Teacher Appreciation Photo Booth Props
Make your school's teachers feel like the heroes they are by planning a superheroes-theme event. Use these photo booth props along with our superheroes-theme announcement, invitation, "I teach. What's your superpower?" poster, table tent/cards, iron-on transfers, and water bottle labels to plan a special Teacher Appreciation Week (or any time of the year) event.
Downloads: 2468 Hot!

Superhero Teacher Appreciation Iron-On Transfers
Make your school's teachers feel like the heroes they are by planning a superheroes-theme event. Use this "Super Teacher" iron-on transfer along with our superheroes-theme event announcement, invitation, photo booth props, "I teach. What's your superpower?" poster, table tent/cards, and water bottle labels to plan a special Teacher Appreciation Week (or any time of the year) event.
Downloads: 4431 Hot!

Superhero Teacher Appreciation Invitation
Make your school's teachers feel like the heroes they are by planning a superheroes-theme event. Use this customizable invitation along with our superheroes event announcement, photo booth props, "I teach. What's your superpower?" poster, table tent/cards, iron-on transfers, and water bottle labels to plan a special Teacher Appreciation Week (or any time of the year) event.
Downloads: 3691 Hot!

Superhero Teacher Appreciation Event Announcement
Make your school's teachers feel like the heroes they are by planning a superheroes-theme event. Use this announcement along with our superheroes event invitation, photo booth props, "I teach. What's your superpower?" poster, table tent/cards, iron-on transfers, and water bottle labels to plan a special Teacher Appreciation Week (or any time of the year) event.
Downloads: 6083 Hot!

Facebook Guidelines Template for PTOs and PTAs
Facebook guidelines template that you can use and modify for your PTO or PTA to help boost your social media presence and reduce stress. Also available as an article: Facebook Guidelines Template for PTOs and PTAs.
Downloads: 7989 Hot!

"Save the Date" Graphic
Use this colorful "Save the Date" graphic on a poster board or trifold board to advertise upcoming activities to parents and community members attending an event. A clip art version is also available in the Event Logos clip art section and can be scaled down to add at the top of electronic versions of flyers and more.
Downloads: 1473 Hot!

"Coming Up Next" Graphic
Use this colorful "Coming Up Next" graphic on a poster board or trifold board to advertise your upcoming activities to families and community members attending an event. A clip art version is also available in the Event Logos clip art section and can be scaled down to add at the top of your electronic versions of flyers and more.
Downloads: 2013 Hot!
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