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Sample Performance to Budget Report
A comparison of a parent group's planned budget to actual income and expenses. Use this sample as a reference when creating your own performance to budget report. Get an editable Performance to Budget Report as an Excel file in the Treasurer's Toolkit (available for purchase or free to Plus members).
Downloads: 19030 Hot!

Booster Club or PTO Treasurer's Report: Income and Expenses and Budget vs. Actual
A one-page Treasurer's Report with a starting balance, plus monthly income minus monthly expenses, plus a year-to-date actual compared to budget. Ther
Downloads: 57643 Hot!

Elementary School PTO Budget
Simple Excel spreadsheet budget. Great tool for budget planning. Compares previous year budget, previous year actual, and proposed budget.
Downloads: 25384 Hot!

Family Event Cost Model Template
This is a blank Excel worksheet that can be customized for your PTO or PTA event, to keep track of projected costs and income as well as actual costs and income when the event is finished. Read "Figuring Finances for Events" for more information on how to create a cost model analysis.
Downloads: 8968 Hot!

Middle School Fun Run Budget
One of several forms posted that relate to a fun run done at a middle school
Downloads: 5769 Hot!

Sample Cash Receipt Voucher
This is a form that is required to be turned in with any funds collected and turned in to the Treasurer.
Downloads: 15297 Hot!

Sample Fundraiser Cost Model Analysis
This is a sample form to figure the potential costs and profits of an event.
Downloads: 9535 Hot!

Sample Check Request Form
This is a sample of our check request form. It is used when someone needs to request reimbursement or payment of an invoice.
Downloads: 9842 Hot!

Sample Budget Request Form
This is a sample of our Budget Request Form. I've seen these also referred to as Teacher Grant Request Forms.
Downloads: 12577 Hot!

PTO Today: Treasurer's Toolkit
PTO Today's comprehensive guide for parent group treasurers helps them manage their group's finances and keep funds secure. The toolkit includes guidance on all key financial steps, such as keeping accurate financial records, tips on smart budgeting, how to create a treasurer's report, and a checklist of important monthly tasks.

Annual Budget Samples With Descriptions
This sample budget has two separate sheets. The first has a sample budget with simplified expense categories; the second sheet has detailed expense categories. Both sheets have an income section and explanations for all categories. More details about these budgets are in the Treasurer's Toolkit.

Performance to Budget Report
Recommended outline of a monthly report showing the effect of all spending and income for the month on the actual budget categories. It answers questions such as “Did we make more money than planned on the fall fundraiser?” and “Do we have any extra money to replace the movie screen?” (The Treasurer Oral Report Outline can tell you how to present the information from this report at a meeting.) Use it in conjunction with the monthly Financial Activity Report for a complete picture of the parent group's finances. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.

Financial Activity Report
Sample listing of all financial transactions for the month and how they affect the bottom-line balance. The report is shared with the executive board only and includes all checks written, all deposits made, and any other transactions such as electronic debits for monthly fees. This is the recommended layout to use for a monthly treasurer’s report, according to Robert’s Rules of Order, and should be used in conjunction with the monthly Performance to Budget Report. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.

Proposed Budget Worksheet
The last step in the budget planning process: After crunching the numbers on other budgeting worksheets, transfer your proposed categories and budget figures to this form to finalize the budget and present it to your fellow board members. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.

Budget Comparison Worksheet
Compare financial activity over several years to refine your group's budget. List the income and expense categories from your existing budget, then insert the actual amount of money spent or raised by the end of each year. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.

Budget Actual History Worksheet
After using Budget Category Transaction Worksheets, transfer the categories and total amounts
to this worksheet to calculate the difference between Total Income and Total Expenses. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.

Budget Sample Categories Worksheet
A starter list of categories that can be used when setting up a new budget. There's no right or wrong number or name for budget categories; these are just some examples to start with. From the Treasurer's Toolkit and the Startup Toolkit.
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