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Volunteer Name Badges
Colorful and customizable name badges (8 per page) to use at meetings and events.
Downloads: 8432 Hot!

Casting Call from the Nominating Committee
In an effort to fill our open board positions for next year I wrote this and emailed it to incoming 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents. The timing works s
Downloads: 7190 Hot!

Volunteer Opportunity Form
This is a volunteer sign-up form for volunteers to complete at home & return. Lists every volunteer opportunity throughout the year.
Downloads: 18924 Hot!

Wear what you want tickets for private or charter schools when parents attend a PTO meeting
Tickets are distributed after meetings to parents
Downloads: 4135 Hot!

Fall Festival Sign-up Sheet
This word document has tables that allow parents to sign up to volunteer during the fall festival.
Downloads: 9627 Hot!

Volunteer handbook/manual
This manual is given to all school volunteers and includes expectations of volunteers and practical information on where things are located.
Downloads: 6790 Hot!

Customizable Master Volunteer List and Form
Customizable volunteer list with sample volunteer survey form in excel format
Downloads: 11048 Hot!

Dance - Activity - Budget Tracking and Guest List
This is an excel workbook, which you can use to enter your guests, funds received, and track expenses of multiple persons for a dance. This workbook
Downloads: 6489 Hot!

Book Fair - Master Sign Up Forms
Forms were mounted on poster board and displayed with a flyer in the school foyer so parents could sign up for shifts. Could be used for other events.
Downloads: 6684 Hot!

Volunteer Form for Start of Year - Detailed - Two Parent
Detailed form used at start of year to survey parents (both!) as to how they might help at school.
Downloads: 25781 Hot!

Volunteer Shift Master Form - Grid Style
Grid-style volunteer shift form with a block for each hour.
Downloads: 8000 Hot!

Event log for each event we host. Logs are used for next year's events so we are not reinventing the tasks over and over again. We see what works, and what doesn't. Have used this log for elementary school and middle school PTA events. Keep them in a binder in our PTA closet for anyone to utilize. Good luck.
Downloads: 7519 Hot!

Event Coordinator Sheet
Form given to event coordinators giving them info to get started and suggestions of what to include in their wrap up report
Downloads: 16606 Hot!

Three for Me Volunteer Sign-in Sheet
We keep these sheets on an orange clip board in the school office. Volunteers sign in whenever they come into the school. We stress them signing in several times a year through newsletters, etc.
Downloads: 4135 Hot!

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