Green Mountain did not shut down their program; they are revamping it like they did several months ago. And if you are getting no's, it may be for a variety of reasons. Don't dwell on it - just try other places then. Some places don't like to donate two or three years in a row. Just because you got something before isn't a guarantee for the next time.
This list or thread isn't to 'ruin' anyone's work. Anyone can do a websearch for the same places you are writing to -
In response to the previous post, Green Mountain Coffee did not remove their giving program. Like many other businesses they are revising the process and criteria to receive a donation. Anyone can google 'donation request form' and Green Mountain Coffee is one of the first dozen ranked - they have a donation form on their website, it's a open invitation.
I can certainly share my leads and success stories to help support other national PTO groups as one need in no more important then the next. We all need support, guidance and to share stories to help the masses - not ourselves.
Why not support other PTO groups vs making them research links for hours? Those hours could be put to other uses that benefit their cause. It's not about making as difficult as possible for everyone as you made it for yourself; that's just selfish and not the example I would want to teach my children.
Everyone who made this list and added to it have ruined it for those of us that have spent days and days researching these links. Now half the place I was able to get stuff from last year, that I found all by myself, are no longer giving because they were posted on places like this, why should some of us work so hard then some just give it away then ruin it for all of us. If you want the "easy list of donations" you have the wrong job!!!
It is one thing to share a tip or two but to post whole lists????, but don't worry those that have done it next time you try to get donations you will get it.
BTW Green Mountian Coffee went from being very generous to shutting down their donation program all together in the last please waste your time contacting them...
Thanks again....
I just wanted to thank everyone for sharing their information!
Our auction is in less than 2 weeks and we have received over $9000 in donations, not including our 'priceless' items - classroom baskets, art projects, parking spots, etc.
We had success with a lot of the places listed here, plus local places - restaurants, karate, horseback riding lessons, etc. I also contacted local food producers to put together some local gourmet baskets (high quality chocolates, locally made salsas, local honey, etc)
Nowhere near the amount some of the other schools on here raise, but for our school this is a HUGE amount of donations! The three of us on the auction committee are new to this sort of thing and this website has been an incredible resource.
Hopefully our bidders will be as generous as our donors have been!
I am over the PTO here in Houston. Does anyone know of companies that are willing to donate in the Houston area. Suggestions are truly appreciated. This is my first time doing this and I need all the help I can get.