Good to see someone in my area - Rock Hilll not very far from Huntersville NC. I'm now trying to put together packages for local mall - got one night hotel stay today and hope to come up with enough other donations from within the mall to make a nice basket - will probably title it - Stay at_____hotel and shop at_____mall. Always trying to come up with new ideas. It seems lots of folks come to our church bazaar looking for outstanding bargains, and as a result some of the silent auction items go rather low. We ended up with over 160 items llast year. Will try to combine some of them in baskets and hope they go for more.
Good luck on your fund raiser. We have until NOv. 23.
- I did everything via email or direct websites. At first I thought I was going to do snail mail for those places that require the physical letterhead request, but with this being our first year and so many responses to date, I passed. Maybe next year when I have more time to plan. And see how the what I received this year in donations works out.
And I've been amazed so far with our responses. So many items have just 'shown up'!
Received Doll yesterday from American Doll
Also was granted a $200 gift certificate and other goodies to showcase for our raffle from minted
We are in the Charlotte NC region, Rock Hill SC
Good to hear! I was getting a little concerned. Felt a little better about it tonight when the PTO president told me I had a bunch of stuff waiting in the PTO mailbox in the school office too! Now I just gotta wait til Monday at school open house to see what kind of goodies I've gotten for the baskets!