Our event volunteers have always been invited to attend the event for free. When someone brings on 8000 dollars in auction items or money from sponsors that is worth tons more than the cost of the event ticket. We have had some volunteers offer to pay anyway and that is always nice others attned the event free but bid on auction items. Doesn't really matter as the event would not be a success without the months they put in soliciting. I know people that run two other events..neither of these are school events and their volunteers are never asked to pay for a ticket to their events. Hope that is of some help to know.
Thank you! I just looked and I did mail to that address a few months ago. Our tt is not until April 20 th. How far in advance did they mail it to you?
0001 and amy z ... i sent one of our donation request letters on school letterhead to ...
Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Mail Code: DNPS
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
I got 4 Gold Passports from Chelsea Piers today also.
I do not have the adddress for the Kennedy Space Center with me (because I have already turned my auction list into the school for the next chair), but I sent to a phyical address I got of the website. I received no communication from them until the tickets arrived at the school. I know we hate to waste stamps when we have email, but sometimes the hard copy letter "speaks" better. I know we have that with some of our local vendors. If I send an email, they will not reply, but when I phyically walk in the door, they give me a huge basket of stuff. They have indicated that if I am willing to give my time to come in, they will always support. Email is great, and I have gotten a lot of donations via email, but we can not relay soley on email.