I am new to this and need some advise. Our event is at the end of March. Should I wait until the first of the year to request donations? I wasn't sure if most companies donation budget would start over then. Thanks!
To jenm... Hey, we are from Arizona and the same thing with us about Disney. It has been 2 1/2 weeks, no update, and they said it would take 10 working days. I don't want to be disappointed and sort of wondering what the result will be.
Wow! You guys made quite a bit on your events! Do you do strictly auctions or tricky trays? For others who have done tricky trays - how much do you charge for a ticket? What is everyone charging? Is it a fee to get into the event plus the ticket/auction proceeds?
Most of the people who posted here seemed to get a positive response from Disney within a few days. I've gotten neither a positive nor negative response and it's been about 2.5 weeks (the website site says they should respond within 10 business days). Has anyone else had the same experience? I'm wondering if I somehow messed up the application... and should I reply to the email that confirmed my request?
Last year our auction made about $90,000. Half of that was a "Raise the Paddle". It's strictly a donation for a highlighted project or issue (last year it was in response to budget cuts, previously park/playground renewal and prior to that SmartBoards). About half of the remaining is silent auction items from outside businesses. We make a bunch of money off class projects, teacher for the day (Principal for the day is a live auction), teacher sponsored parties, and parent sponsored parties (one big hit - a scavenger hunt for adults in a limo!). The primo parking spot always goes for quite a bit. We also get a Scooter on consignment to sell at the live auction. I really liked the ideas posted about the Pulling the Fire Alarm and Front Row Seats at the year of the end programs.
This year, we are pre-selling photo posters of children. A couple of parents are professional photographers and they are going to capture candid shots of the kids whose parents have pre-ordered/pre-paid. We are going hang the photos as part of our gala decor and parents can take them as they leave.