How long after receiving notification from Elite Cancun Vacations did you guys receive your package. I was notified almost 2 weeks ago we got it & they were shipping it out that day and I still have not received anything.
I have received tickets to Ruby Falls in Chattanooga, TN and World Aquarium in St. Louis I would love to pair up with a hotel stay. Has anyone contacted any of these cities for donations before. thanks
For those of you that received the Elite Lodging packages, how are you promoting them? Are you stating somewhere that you must purchase a meal plan as part of the deal? I realize the lodging is worth $3,000-$4,000, however I do want the winners to understand they will still need to shell out another $2,000 for food. Obviously they understand they will need to purchase airfare.
I recently took over the preschool findrasing including the spring auction. We are trying to genereate more excitement and involvement by getting some quality items for our auction. Thanks to this page, I have contacted several of the companies listed here. While I have received quite a few no's already, we have several "feelers" out still and are hopeful this year's event is best yet!
Thank you for the ideas
one thing I did was ask for tickets to our Local Magazine's "best of "party. These tickets are about $100 each and it is a fun night. I also sent a local radio station and asked for a tour and 1 hr guest dj spot
I have gotten no's from
Air Tran
Your True Nature
Laurie Berkner
Laura Numeroff
Newman's Own
Kate Spade
Strider bike