Thanks Library for the pep talk! ha ha I'm doing really well at letting go so far. I do all I can do and then post tasks in the workroom for volunteers to copy flyers, newsletters, etc. It's been great so far. Committees will start in a few weeks, THAT is my worry. I should get all my committee sign-up sheets this week. Fingers crossed!!!
school doesn't start here until September 7th and I am at school everyday I am not working...already!!! At home I am prepping flyers, bulletin boards and all that good stuff. I have to say that it will be nice to get back into the swing of things...even with a new principal. of course remind me of that in a month!
"When you stop learning you stop growing."
Hey ptohyeah and others, don't feel guilty about working and not being fully involved in the PTO. You do what you have to do for your famly first. The PTO will go on, maybe not as well as you'd like it to, but hey you're only one person. Let someone else take on the daily work and do what you can to help.
If possible make yourself available through email, phone, notes sent home, etc. That way you can keep in touch, but don't have to be at the school everyday.
We just finished week #2 and so far things are going well. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with working full-time this year, but things are getting done. I'm thankful for the help that I've gotten so far.
My son is at a new school this year and I'm having seperation anxiety. ha ha I don't feel like I know anything and I hate that. But, his teacher is very nice and we e-mail back and forth. Thank God for e-mail!!
Our first PTO meeting is Monday and I'm finishing up preparations for it this weekend. I HAVE to work now and I refuse to feel guilty over PTO stuff. I have planned, organized, made committee folders....etc. I look at it like I have put in enough time over the past to make up for 10 volunteers. I will plan and do what I can to a point and then others will have to take over for things to get done. Now that I think about it, that's how it should have always been. LOL
Hope you all have a GREAT start to the school year!!
We are embarking on our third week. The first week as was there everyday swearing that they wouldn't see me everyday. Even on the days I worked I ended up there after school. I think I am getting things a little more together. Now to just get some help. I think that is do able. I can't turn down any work this time around so this will be a challenging year. I really miss elementary!
Melissa Constantine
19 years 3 months ago#125624by Melissa Constantine
Our kids started Wednesday, and I was at school on Tuesday putting checks in the teacher's mailboxes. As I was leaving the principal said, "See you tomorrow!" I told her that she would neither see me nor hear from me the next day. LOL! Not on my first day of freedom this year.
I did spend 2 hours at school yesterday, though, making copies to promote box tops and helping our new secretary with her copies. I figured she has enough trouble learning everything else, so I told her I would do her copies. I must say that I like her sooooo much better than our old secretary. Our old one seemed to detest everything PTO (including the people) even though she was the first to ask for anything she needed.