It's not fair D! That sounds like an interesting drink. I am assuming that you can't type now. I have never heard of that, but sounds yummy [img]smile.gif[/img] There are days that I wish I still could drink ( my choice to quit, no "alky" here )
Yes Shawn, we want you to be a smooth handed man! I am first in line for a massage! If we all could have our wishes, you can have your's too. You could have anyone you want, floating bar...heck, I'll bartend...past life experience.
And for all of us thinking of starting our business...see Tim already has the rights to the Big Brother thing, but I think I should get a cut if we broadcast it on TV! I think there could be some fun challenges!!!!!!
Ok Tim, let's make a deal... [img]smile.gif[/img]
CC-be careful during your move! We look forward to hearing the joys of the travel when you get down there. If you get lost in Nashville, you should hollar at me and I can help you thru!
Hope the family transitions well too!!!!!
hey how have you guys been? i haven't been on for awhile cuz we were in the outer banks. love that place having a hard time getting out of vacation mode. :cool: wish we were still there! got a wedding tommorrow morning. no kids allowed. i guess we have a "day" without kids instead of a night w/o them. seems weird but i guess that's what everybody is doing now. can you have a good time at a wedding in the morning?
Virtual my bottom...I just bought the stuff for mojitos...rum, lime, mint and you make simple syrup and mix together. It's a south american thing...Only have to find someone with a pool who wants company and the smoosher thing to mix up the limes [img]smile.gif[/img] ....if I can type I'll tell you how they turn out....
My baby is turning 3 today. It is so hard watching the last one grow up when you couldn't wait for the others to get a move on.
On a lighter note, we just have two more rooms to paint and some carpet to lay down and we are ready to move. I've been slowly packing up things we don't need for the last two months and last night my husband realized the Friends DVDs had been packed and he was so frustrated. I guess he needed a good laugh track. If anyone wants my advice, don't renovate an old house on your own unless you want to get totally frustrated with your children for constatly being in the way or wind up hating your husband because this was his stupid idea and you like the house you are currently in a lot more than the big, depressing mess his grandparents lived in.
Ok, so maybe I'm in need of a virtual drink and it's not even noon, but we finally got the bathroom finished before I have to start making the cake for my son's party.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
I'll take a virtual drink, too and bring a coffee cake. Between the kids fighting and arguing, I had to go color the gray hair up.
Tim is like 'Big Brother' (always in the book 1984) You know he's there but never know when he will pop in.
My 4 yr. old holds up the wrong finger for number 1. I think he's finally understanding which finger is the right one. Not to mention my 8 yr. old was mooning cars last week. Ugh! Needless to say he had quite a long lecture. Whatch ya goin' to do with 5 boys!! Its hard not to laugh sometimes.