It's one of the truest sayings in the universe, "Children are our future." I have to admit I ranted a bit on another post about how adult things affect our kids. THEY ARE KIDS! What do we teach them when we take out our frustrations and/or attitudes about adult issues on them! They literally are sponges and soak up everything their parents, teachers, all elders around them do, how they react to things. The world does need more patience, thoughtfulness, kindness. I try like crazy to teach my girls that and get so frustrated to see people, everyday, with out any regard, common sense or thought for those around them.
It is comforting to me to come here and see d said...that there are people who are still trying and to know that at least in our own corners of the world there will definitely be some "good people" as the next generation comes into adulthood. As my mom would say to everyone here - "You all do great work!"
Scottmom - congrats on your son's award! And, I totally agree with you on the whole cell phone thing. I don't even have mine on most of the time. It's for emergencies and here's what cracks me up...someone calls my house or work for me then gets on my case because they tried to call me on my cell phone and couldn't get through!?!?! Well, duh...why didn't you just call the land line to start with?
I have to thank everyone for listening too - I'm on some sort of kick today and not necessarily a good one. PMS? Long week? Sick of winter? Probably all of the above but I do have one more thing to say -
HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY tomorrow!!! Enjoy, be safe whatever your plans are and MEAD FAILTE (a thousand welcomes).