This is going to sound a little crazy but what if it's just a matter of letting them fail to show the other events are so beloved with the school.
I'm not really fond of the petition either, it worries me that you will become a trouble maker than a parent that is conserned.
Is there really absolutly no comprimise at all? I do feel for you in regards to the games. Our church has (no religious talk just example
) has a halloween party and tons of games. Our new Assoc. Pastor tried to throw away our beloved games and nearly had a riot on his hands! I digress...
It just conserns me that this is so absolute! We had Jehova (I know my spelling is off!) Witnesses for many years in our charter school and still have several Morman families. More of a problem with the Witnesses telling us no flags in hte classrooms or in the entry of the school (my head was scratchn' too) etc. We still have a few families but the main parents are now long gone but it was hard to negotiate with them! Very!
I'm not very good wih absolutes when other families are involved. Why can't there be both events?! You know this could be the one time when "when in Rome do as the Romans do" doesn't have to apply!
OR better yet...Let them do math!