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80's themed family night

19 years 6 months ago #119171 by Michelle B
CB you have GOT to get your sound back. I found the station maybe 10 minutes before I posted. I've been listening for a while now. It's not typical top 40 (at least not totally) they did play Rick James but they play a lot of the music I, being a former "freak" in high school that I used to listen to like The The, David Bowie, and Lou Reed. I've heard Duran Duran twice now and they're currently playing "Bang A Gong" (I think that's the name) but they also played a Rick James song and that song by Eddie Rabbit (?) Ain't nothing gonna break my stride (for the record I always hated that song, that and Dire Straits- I want my MTV or whatever...) Too fun. Being from a classic "hick" town, us undergrounder, mods, punks etc, were dying for some "culture" we used to drive to SF and they had a radio station called Live 105. It kindof reminds me of that but not as purist. They're playing some disco type song with lyrics like "1,2,3 shake your body down, get down" Some woman singing.

Kim, sorry, I'm trying to pepper ideas in here and sorry we hijacked the topic but it is a fun topic!

[ 07-21-2005, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: Michelle B ]
19 years 6 months ago #119170 by AJ Flanagan
Replied by AJ Flanagan on topic RE: 80's themed family night
Footloose! Wasn't that in the '80s? Kevin Bacon was sooooo cool. And I loved that girl's red cowboy boots. What was her name? I always wondered how all those kids who were never allowed to dance came up with such good moves at the end of the movie.
19 years 6 months ago #119169 by C. Brooks
Replied by C. Brooks on topic RE: 80's themed family night
How about a break dancing contest??? I totally forgot about that. The arm wave, the worm, the head spin....sigh. That was just so cool.

Kim, I don't know if you are getting anything out of this thread but we sure are enjoying it.
19 years 6 months ago #119168 by C. Brooks
Replied by C. Brooks on topic RE: 80's themed family night
Aw, too bad I lost my sound.

By the way, I heard that Cooter wants everyone to ban the new Dukes movie.He says "it is not family oriented." My mother didn't think Daisy shorts were either but my dad didn't mind. Ha Ha. Yeah, I wasn't there anyhow. Who could replace John Schneider? Did they not learn their lesson with Cory and Vance (the wannabe cousins)?

We actually have a color hair spray booth at our Fall Festival. Kids love it. I am glad I have boys with easy to wash hair. LOL! They look like real punk rockers.
19 years 6 months ago #119167 by Michelle B
Hey Shawn I thought about the Dukes of Hazard but they remind me more of the 70's. It was in the early 80's that they replaced my beloved Bo with those wannabes (cousins or something like that, it was a jump the shark moment) but I don't remember Moonie's Weddings. What is that?

LOVED Fraggle Rock and I don't know if this was 80's or 70's but there was this show on Nickelodean called Pinwheel. I still sing the theme song to that show. Does anyone else remember it? Oh what about horribly HIGH shoulder pads and those pastel dresses that our moms used to wear. They looked like linebackers or upside down triangles.

And I recently found this free online radio site- All 80's radio out of the UK and Europe. It's a hoot!
(you also don't have to keep the page open once you open your media player so you can go to other websites like here or the PTA boards! [img]smile.gif[/img]

You can probably just use this for music and have a dance!?

[ 07-21-2005, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: Michelle B ]
19 years 6 months ago #119166 by Shawn
Replied by Shawn on topic RE: 80's themed family night
You could get John Kruk, Pete Incavilia, Mitch(RP gave up HR to Joe Carter) forgot last name and a few of the Phillies to drop by and show off their mullets. How ,bout the Dukes of HAzzard, Family Ties, Fraggle Rock, Moonies Wedding's, the A-Team, the A-Ha video was the pinnacle of modern technology, and you can still sing all the words

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