Son-cones and sand art. These are both hits at our events. Here is the bet tip possible though. Advertise that you have these type of extras available for an extra cost. we found that once the parents knew it was extra they sent in the money. Send a flyer out that has worked the best. we have a local company, kona-ice that comes out and sets up. They donate 30% back to the school and we don't worry about that. The sand art supplies we get from coloredsand . com. They have always been fast and cheap.
Trunk or Treat is a popular event with this crowd -- and this is a great question! I'd like to bump this question over to our Facebook community as well.
Hello! This is my first post so I hope I'm doing it correctly! We are planning our first trunk or treat for October. Do you have suggestions on parking logistics? We have a pretty big parking lot at school...we're unsure of the best way to organize them? Thanks!