We have a president, secretary, treasurer, 7 vice-presidents, parliamentarian, historian, 2 teacher reps, 1 staff rep and 1 community rep. We also have committee chairs (most committee chair positions are held by the vps, but some are just chairpeople).
Four officers (P, VP, S, T), two teacher reps and then anywhere from 10 - 15 committee chairmen made up the board of my last team. All had voting privileges and attended the monthly PTO meetings to report on their activities.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."
"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
We have a Box Tops coordinator, Sunshine takes care of gift basket when kids are out for surgeries, death in families. I should say these are not officer positions for us though.
Officers are Pres, vice pres, treasurer, secretary, alternates.
Cindy<br />
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<br>____________________________________________<br />
<br>"People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege."
VP of Fundraising, Volunteer/Room Parent Coordinator.
It may not be necessary to develop more officer positions. If you establish some committees to cover various programs and events and get some good chairpersons in place that can help reduce the President's workload tremendously. Having smaller tasks/committees that people can take on can also help to get more people involved.
We have "Print Manager" - She picks up all copy from print shop and distributes them to the classes. We have "Rebate Coordinator" - She is the lady in charge of Box Tops/Campbells/Kemps and those types of programs.