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17 years 11 months ago #130373 by Bertha
Replied by Bertha on topic RE: Wfs
In our group we have the committee chairs report to the Executive Board. We, the officers, must apporve all work. It's in our bylaws as such. However, some of our chairs feel it's not neccessary to share with us until after the event. This prevents us from being able to iron out any bugs the plan may have. It has a way of creating disharmony amongst the group.And as the president, it falls on my shoulders to iron everything out. After years of ironing, I'm getting rather good at it! I just hope that next year someone will come forward so I can pass on the iron.
17 years 11 months ago #130365 by my3strongtikes
Replied by my3strongtikes on topic RE: Wfs
Our chairperson check in with me too for the same reason you listed to WFS just to make sure everything is going according to plans. Most of the volunteers we have are new to the chairperson thing so they need some extra guidance and I would rather have them coming to me then have a huge mess to fix.

Cindy<br />
<br><br />
<br>____________________________________________<br />
<br>&quot;People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege.&quot;
17 years 11 months ago #130362 by WFS
Replied by WFS on topic RE: Wfs
CapeDad-your overseeing officier and the role I take as President to check in on plans & budget is the same thing. I only check to make sure of the overall plans and that it is adhering to school policy, nutrition guidelines (if during the school day) budget is on schedule, there is nothing that would be construed as offensive or inappropriate, etc. I check in with the Principal and the local Fire Marshall contacts me and we review the plans to make sure that nothing is in violation (nothing blocking extinguishers, fire exits, etc.)
The reason for them checking in with me is that they can't always wait for the next monthly meeting to present the plans to the board for discussion. Therefore, they contact me to present their plans or get an OK for using a certain businesses.
As it stands now, we have an event that is being planned without the PTO board, Executive board or the Principal knowing any aspect about it. Being a Chairperson should not necessarily give them the permission to plan anything they want. Not everyone looks at the big picture and views things on the larger scale & what could be a potential problem.

Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
17 years 11 months ago #130169 by CapeDad
Replied by CapeDad on topic RE: Wfs
We are really trying to move away from the president having a hand in every little thing. Chairs keep coming to me anyway with things they should handle for themselves --- like they expect I want to OK everything no matter how often I tell them I do not.

The way our system is supposed to work is:

President or another officer (overseeing officer) creates a committee (some are standing from year to year).

Chair is appointed at a board meeting.

Overseeing officer meets with chair to explain expectations, budget guidelines, etc.

Chair runs the show, building committee and consulting as necessary with overseeing officer. Certain things do need approval, such as extra spending and published items.

Chair reports on progress at monthly meetings.

President is worry free knowing yet another mission was accomplished by an outstanding PTO member.

Chairpersons of standing committees are board positions.

Any other

If you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down. <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
17 years 11 months ago #130163 by pals
Replied by pals on topic RE: Wfs
I am just curious why everything has to be approved by the president, isn't the purpose of any chairperson is to take work off the presidents shoulders? If anything shouldn't they be reporting back to your group. I am sorry to say but I think this gives you too much power when it comes to people chairing events, seems like it would even turn some away to know that you personally have to approve anything. Other than maybe pr on a project that the principal needs to approve I wish this was more of a group effort for you.

Once they get your okay, where does it go from there? Do you take it to you group? If so that seems like double work.

I just want to know how many groups work this way? Is it the norm? We always have chairs report back to the whole group and it works for us. Yes a chairperson is also suppose to get people to work under them, so she may not be following that either. I am just wondering, as I know from experience that sometimes chairpeople may not do it the exact way you want them to so you get upset and try to dismiss what they have done.

Maybe have a little breather on this, and yes I would get out the chairpersons handbook, and I would change that they report to you into they report to the group...sorry.Good luck!

&quot;When you stop learning you stop growing.&quot;
17 years 11 months ago #130142 by WFS
Replied by WFS on topic RE: Wfs
Thank you EVERYONE for your support and comments. I called to schedule a meeting with the co-chairs and due to spring break, we can't meet for another 2 weeks. However, I will arrive with the full copy of the bylaws as well as a copy of the Chairperson package that was distributed to each of the chairs. Although I'm not looking forward to the conversation, I know it has to be done. The VP will also be there. She is the "buffer" since she doesn't like confrontation and is a natural mediator. However, having the bylaws to support my concerns should swing in my favor.

I like the idea of having each one signing off that they have received the chairperson package. I will suggest that to the incoming President for next year. I also like the idea of a Code of Conduct clause for the purpose of removing someone from their assignment. I saw it mentioned on another thread, but am not sure of how to word it. Any suggestions??

What's hysterical about this is the other co-chair was upset because she heard that the event chairpersons had already started to plan stuff and she hadn't been brought into the loop. She said that she was miffed about not being kept in the loop & she would have to explain to them that they needed to report to either of them to make sure what they are planning was OK. However, when I asked her for an update & details, she took it as I was trying to step on her toes!

Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
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