While my answer is NO.. that is a ridiculous request, I do want to know, WHY does he want the emails, and under what circumstances, and what made him make this decision?
I like CrewChief's idea.. kill him with kindess by agreeing with his silly request, and then fire off emails as fast and as frequently as you can. He'll soon be eating crow, and rescind his request, I am sure.
Oh, and along with the topics Crew Chief mentioned, be sure to add in things about menopause, feminine itching, your husband's rash, a detailed description of your mother-in-law's hemorrhoid operation !! [img]smile.gif[/img]
Topic Author
18 years 1 week ago#117024by <drivinmecrazy>
The big bad problem with emails is, pepople sometimes for good intentioned reasons, and sometimes for not so good intentioned, oftentimes easily forward them around (sometimes to multiple addressees), or print them and pass them, they can also easily be CHANGED and the receipeint has NO idea they are not the original.
With forwards and then further forwards, its like a tree, one email may end up in many many boxes thru multiple forwards.....and for no good reason usually.
When you send ANY email, you basiclaly jsut NEVER konw where it might end up so make sure its suitable for all potential readers/recipients IYKNWIM.
Since when does a parent need permissoion to contact the superintendent? I wonder if the superintendent knows about that 'rule'. I would certainly let her know and ask her to confirm it and ask WHY.
Does the principal approve all interschool emails? I guess I'd get smart and tell him ok and just start calling everyone instead. But I do like the idea of sending him all your emails and including recipes, etc. My emails include lunch dates, playdates, and shared care times as well as what we thought of last night's tv shows.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Your PERSONAL emails! Not emails or correspondence from within the school or school/parent wide.
Unless there is some kind of discussion between you and your principal that COMPLETELY explains away this demand and you walk away with an "Ok, I get it" attitude - I wouldn't do it.
<font size=""2"">If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain - Maya Angelou</font><br />
<br><br />
<br>Life is an adventure - Seize each moment and make it your own!
Reading deenial's response made me think about this a little more and that lead me to my first year as leader of our group. The principal warned me about getting involved in rumors, gossip, bad mouthing, talking without thinking, yada yada. at the time it made me mad that she was telling me who i could talk to and about what, now five years later I know I learned from it. Sometimes we want to rant and those rants actually come back to hurt our groups and their reputations. I sort of see both sides now...
"When you stop learning you stop growing."