How about a kids fashion show? You could charge a nominal fee to attend. Have the kids pick put their favorite outfits and design a catwalk on the school stage.Parents will pay to see their kids "perform". This would be minimal cost to the PTO and a potential money maker.Maybe have hot dogs, chips and soda that can be donated and charge a minmal plate fee.
Hope this helps!
Contact your local McDonald's restaurant and ask
them to donate a box of Fun Times cookies. They are 500 sample packs of sugar cookies. Also, ask them for their orange bowl container, free ice, cups and juice drink. If they can't donate the juice go to your local store like GFS and get the concentrate.
Some McDonald's also have Teacher's Night fundraisers where the principal and teachers work behind the counter and also as hostesses for a portion of the store sales during the agreed upon shift.
Companies will donate tons of stuff if ask and make sure you recognize them. That's the selling point to the business - visibility, word of mouth, printed recognition in bulletins, signage, PR to drive traffic in their door after your event.
We recently done a end of the year bash.....
from 5-7 must be accompanied by parent no drop love the playground and normally don't get to play on it as much as they like.. we played on the playgroung everyone had free hotdogs,chips and a drink...we had a dunkin booth (75.00) rental.Musical candy bar walk(cake walk).
and just socialized..spent about 300.00...
could have saved if we would have asked local buisness to donate drinks& etc.....
Rising Star thanks for all your kind words. Like wrote above I'm looking forward to a peaceful summer. I think I just may have found what I've been looking for in a school!
Thank you Picklebella and everyone else who answered my cry for help! I'll be glad when school is over. I plan to kick up my feet for a month (I deserve it) and then spend the rest of my time enjoying MY kids before school starts.
clarks little helper..... sorry it has taken me so long to reply, i havent been on here lately..( been working on the school
sounds like you have your hands full, I wish you the best of luck getting this school to accept the PTA or in finding your children a new school, which ever route you decide on, i wish you the best of luck. sounds to me like they have something against the PTA for some reason, and whatever it is will continute to hold back the PTA from being able to help them, until they decide to work together. maybe someone will get through to them in the future, or after the PTA gives up and dissolves maybe then they can see that if they want a PTA to help them, than they have to be willing to work with it.
wow I'm sorry that your effords have gone unnoticed and i hope that if you ever try to help a school again it will go better for you.
take care of yourself and let the school worry about itself if they dont wnat to let you and the others help them.
our school does things way different from the sound of your last post. we dont have to "submit" anything to them. and we the pta pay for the feild trips and all that stuff so they want us to raise money to support their feild trips and all the things we do for them, so we dont get any headache from them. our principal goes to our board meetings so he has a vote in what we do, and so far he has gone with everything we wanted to do or gave us his opioin if he didnt like what we had, and we work together for a solution. we dont submit anything, but we do give them the courtsey of informing them of any dates we have planned, and we make sure that it doesnt conflict with anything the school is doing.
i hate to see you give up on it, but your health does come first and it sounds like you have tried and you know that is all you can do, is try. if they dont want your help then let them handle it on their own, they will soon see what they are missing out on.
Good luck! and get better soon! [img]smile.gif[/img]