If I'm not too late for the principal meeting....just ask your principal what he/she expects from your group. Are there areas where volunteer or financial support is especially needed? Mostly try to to establish a friendly relationship where you both are clear on what you want to see in the school and how you envision your parent group being involved. Talking through this with your principal may also help you in figuring out what direction you would like to lead the group in during your time as President.
After your meeting, sit down and list the things you feel are important for your school and what you would like to see the group accomplish. Then have a meeting with your other officers and brainstorm. Get a feel for what they want. Look for common areas then make a plan on how to accomplish your goals. Ask them lots of questions about the operation of your group(it doesn't sound like you'll be getting much help from the prior President). Get a copy of your by-laws and review them, look over the budgets for the last few years, and get with the Treasurer and go through last year's books to get a feel of how the group raised money and where it went. Maybe even talk with teachers about classroom needs-do they need discretionary funds or are there ways to improve your volunteer program? Look for all those parents who are the regular volunteers and talk with them, they may be your best resource for what was good and bad about the group's past operations and that may help you figure out how to proceed this year.
Last bit of advice-post on this website any questions you have or needs for forms or other paperwork. I've found it indispensable.
i was voted president for this coming year,now i have no idea what to do or what i am supposed to do.the president at the present time was not at the meeting the vice pres.did the voting.he told me that the pres. would be getting in touch with me to talk and tell me what to do.this was in the first of april.its now end of may and i have not heard from her,and i have called and called and no one answers the phone,i am panicking here.i have no idea what to do.i am sooo lost and scared.please email me with help.its easier for me to check just my mail at work.i will even take phone calls if anyone can help me please.thank This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.