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new pres.PLEASE HELP

19 years 8 months ago #112506 by ScottMom#1
Replied by ScottMom#1 on topic RE: new pres.PLEASE HELP
Charlottekay, I know how frustrating this is. When I came in as an officer, the past group didn't want to help but wanted to criticize and tell us what we should have done instead of helping us before we did or didn't do something. Considering you are coming in blind and you will be getting a new principal, I think you will be ok to just hold on until the staff comes back on duty. Our previous group lines up events for the upcoming year before new officers are even voted on, so some of the work might already be done for you. I would find out when the new principal reports for duty, tell him/her your situation and that the outgoing principal told you to discuss this with the new principal and try to work through it together. You should also never feel like you are the fool because someone else put you in a position. Just do what you can to make the best of it. Even if nothing is planned, that gives you a chance to get input from staff and see what works and what doesn't, there are also plenty of good fundraisers that will sign you and do your fundraiser in the same month, if that is a concern. Keep in mind, some of us are always going through these types of things at our schools and that this might not get any easier, but we keep doing it because we believe-as I'm sure you do-that the kids are worth it.

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
19 years 8 months ago #112505 by charlottekay
Replied by charlottekay on topic RE: new pres.PLEASE HELP
i absolutely can not get any help from anyone,i called the board of education and they said they cant help me i have to talk to the ex president,they even took my info and was supposed to be calling the ex and telling her to call me,well i never heard anything of course,and there is not anyone at our schools at all during the summer,they are locked up tight.i am ready to resign,except i cant get ahold of anyone to resign to,(spelling) if i did not spell it right,i mean i am quitting.evedently there is something going on to which i am not supposed to know about.i feel that the ex pres probably promised the job to someone else or something and just not telling me,why else will the ex vice president or the ex president not talk to me.i give up i dont want to go into a school i have never been in before and i dont know anyone and look like a fool,we own a business in town and it takes most of my time,and i dont want to be the town fool when i make mistakes with the pto which i know i will do since i will be going into it completely blind.i am sorry for going on and on,i am just fed up with i give up. :(
19 years 8 months ago #112504 by C. Brooks
Replied by C. Brooks on topic RE: new pres.PLEASE HELP
charolottekay, any info about funds and such yet?

myrna, If you are having an Open House or something be sure to include those dates, also be sure to put the date of your first meeting. Another thing you could do for you info packet is state your mission and your activities for the year. Be sure to have contact info so that anyone with questions can contact you.
19 years 8 months ago #112503 by Myrna
Replied by Myrna on topic RE: new pres.PLEASE HELP
I am in your same boat. And there is very little parent involment as we are a charter school and have 44 zip codes of students. Our school sends out packets of info in mid july and I can add what ever I would like, my problem is I have no ideas of what to put on the flyer or even in a news letter. And yes we have no money or by laws. Where do you get info of what the by laws are and what needs to be in them. Also does anyone send out letters to the commuity for donations of items. If so may I have a copy of that. My email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I apprecate any help any one wants to give.

19 years 9 months ago #112502 by Kathie Lasky
Replied by Kathie Lasky on topic RE: new pres.PLEASE HELP
I know school is out for the summer- but your principal- asst. principal or school secretary MUST be at school. (someone has to be there for registration walk-ins).
Go to school (or call) and ASK them to look in their PTO/PTA file (EVERY school has to keep one for school district audits). In it should be SOME record of a bank account or money available. Your principal and school secretary should have received copies of each treasurer's report as the year went by. Look at the latest one- and you should have SOME idea of how much (if any) money you have. It should also give you any idea of what they spent their money on.
Once you know that you begin on a budget.

If for some reason your school has NO records, then act as if you are beginning a new PTO/PTA.
Call some of your friends or other parents you know, recruit them to help.
Set up some by-laws, and job descriptions, then get into planning your year.
Make up a membership form.
Assume you have NO MONEY from the beginning- and start with a fundraiser. Make it a Pre-pay fundraiser- so you can have some money "up front".Once you have collected money- open a baank account inyour PTO's name.
Now- start on a realistic budget (knowing how much you have to work with).
Get it passed at a membership meeting. Maybe a fun activity tied to it.(maybe a family monie night? all you need is popcorn, sodas, and a TV and movie).
At that time you can rally support and MORE help.
Do try to send home a membership form and a plea for involvement flyer (in the first day packet).
Let everybody know you are starting from scratch, need help and IDEAS. Maybe you can send home a parent survey asking what thye would like your group to do this year.
Big thing is- ASK LOTS of people to help.
Most people will complain and say they would have helped if they were asked- so ask!
;) ;) ;)
19 years 9 months ago #112501 by charlottekay
Replied by charlottekay on topic RE: new pres.PLEASE HELP
i appreciate all your would i get in touch with the irs? do i just say i need info on this particular school or what? my sister in law and her aunt are both teachers and i am going to talk to them tommorrow and see if they have any advice coming from the teachers point of view.i hope they are a major help in all this too.thanks again.charlotte
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