I know school is out for the summer- but your principal- asst. principal or school secretary MUST be at school. (someone has to be there for registration walk-ins).
Go to school (or call) and ASK them to look in their PTO/PTA file (EVERY school has to keep one for school district audits). In it should be SOME record of a bank account or money available. Your principal and school secretary should have received copies of each treasurer's report as the year went by. Look at the latest one- and you should have SOME idea of how much (if any) money you have. It should also give you any idea of what they spent their money on.
Once you know that you begin on a budget.
If for some reason your school has NO records, then act as if you are beginning a new PTO/PTA.
Call some of your friends or other parents you know, recruit them to help.
Set up some by-laws, and job descriptions, then get into planning your year.
Make up a membership form.
Assume you have NO MONEY from the beginning- and start with a fundraiser. Make it a Pre-pay fundraiser- so you can have some money "up front".Once you have collected money- open a baank account inyour PTO's name.
Now- start on a realistic budget (knowing how much you have to work with).
Get it passed at a membership meeting. Maybe a fun activity tied to it.(maybe a family monie night? all you need is popcorn, sodas, and a TV and movie).
At that time you can rally support and MORE help.
Do try to send home a membership form and a plea for involvement flyer (in the first day packet).
Let everybody know you are starting from scratch, need help and IDEAS. Maybe you can send home a parent survey asking what thye would like your group to do this year.
Big thing is- ASK LOTS of people to help.
Most people will complain and say they would have helped if they were asked- so ask!