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Need your feedback on event chairperson form

19 years 9 months ago #112119 by almost used up
Replied by almost used up on topic RE: Need your feedback on event chairperson form
Sent you an e-mail directly so you can e-mail your form to me.

I LOVE your idea about a notebook!! We use folders but they are not as comprehensive as what you describe. I will be sure to cut and paste your ideas into an e-mail to our present presidents. I always like to have a de-brief meeting after an event and ask questions like "what went right" and more importantly, "what went wrong". I synopsize the meeting and hold it for the next year. This way we don't have to re-invent the wheel each time we run a fundraiser or family event.
19 years 9 months ago #112118 by <celina>
Replied by <celina> on topic RE: Need your feedback on event chairperson form
Hi I am a new PTO President. I have not even had time to register for this website yet. I am really interested in receiving an email of this form if possible. Are PTO is a mess and could really use any help to organize. Please reply to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thanks!!!
19 years 9 months ago #112117 by rocket
Everyone is emailed up to this point. Thanks for the great feedback that I have been receiving about our Event Evaluation form.
**Almost Used Up** Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I'll email the form back to you for your review.
19 years 9 months ago #112116 by Kathie Lasky
Replied by Kathie Lasky on topic RE: Need your feedback on event chairperson form
I have each chairperson keep a "procedure" book (even if the event is small). I have given them a loose leaf notebook with dividers, in it. It starts with a complete board list, a copy o the budget, a place for minutes of meetings, a place for treasuer's reports, a clear pocket folder for receipts, a check reimbursement request, a copy of our Tax Exempt ID number, A job description and a blank event report.
I encourage everybody to keep copies of the past PTA newsletters, copies of the PTA handouts (and masters of any handout that goes home regarding their event.)
At the beginning of the year I asked everybody to keep a kind of "diary" regarding their event (from start to finish), so anybody could pick up their book, and know how to do their event.
Even the VP and President (ME) have been keeping a procedure book.
At the end of the year, we turn in the books(if they are leaving the board) trade it to the next person following them, or update the info (if they are keeping the same job).
It has been a terrific tool. We had some board upheavals in the past- and this made the transitions much smoother.
We have even adopted the same idea (on a smaller scale) with our Festival. Each class room parent (that is assigned a booth) gets a "booth description" and a list of needed supplies, etc.
It makes planning a big event like the festival a whole lot easier.
19 years 9 months ago #112115 by <celina>
Replied by <celina> on topic RE: Need your feedback on event chairperson form
Hi Rocket..I'm a new pres..I'll take a look at your form if I could..please email..
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
19 years 9 months ago #112114 by almost used up
Replied by almost used up on topic RE: Need your feedback on event chairperson form
Can you cut and paste the doc to this website?
I would like the chance to read it.

My e-mail address is my first and last name for work. Needless to say, I don't post it on web blogs.
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