We have sign up sheets at Open House for parents(and grandparents or any interested family member) to put their name down to be Room Parent, bring treats or supplies for parties, help with class yearbook pages, help with the class game at spring carnival, or help with special activities.
I've never heard anyone be really upset if they didn't get to be room parent(some moms team up to make the job easier). The only problem I've ever heard people complain about it what I like to call the "party hogs". The person who signs up to bring EVERYTHING for EVERY party and no one else gets a chance to contribute. I had that situation two years ago with a parent-she didn't sign up to bring everything but did it anyway which was even worse. One little girl was upset because her mom had signed up for drinks and she had brought her favorite juice and this lady came in the door with this big punch bowl of some ice cream concoction(along with everything else). I pulled the teacher aside and told her the problem and we came up with the idea that the other little girl's jugs of juice would be used as a special treat the next day-which was fine with her. When the party was over and the mom came back for her bowl and pans, I also gave her back her cups, plates, and napkins and just politely told her that other children had signed up for the items and we had used theirs so that everyone could feel like they had contributed. She only brought what she had signed up for the next time!
Now that I've vented, let me just say that overall this sign-up sheet works well because things are broken down enough to allow someone who can only do something small to find their place to contribute.
I would love to receive a copy of the room parent guide as well. Thank you! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.