We have been changing the format of our website...adding and taking away content, new forms,etc. I would love to see some other group's sites. Please list your link so the rest of us can check them out - thanks, ours is listed below!
Lisa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
John McLoughlin Elementary PTSO
[img]smile.gif[/img] [img]smile.gif[/img] [img]smile.gif[/img]
Our school won't let us do a website. Since we are using the schools name. It must all go through the King or Queen of the school "Principle". It's strictly for PTO use another great tool to get information home. The great thing is that people can access from work for those without computers at home. I know we wanted to publish. Calendar of Events, forms, get them to sign a waiver to use their children's pictures for covering events. There's just so much that can be done run a discussion forum.
Post by-laws, Job desciptions of each officer., etc., etc., etc. We keep being told no. I cannot see why we couldn't post under the districts website under the school site. Then a PTO link and if you want in you must use a password. This way there's control. Yes, I do like the Yahoogroups they are good for that reason and the moderator has control over what is going to be posted and even approval of letting people join groups if need to be.
FYI - I just did some advertising on our local city's website. The person that runs that website offered to create a website for our school and link it to our city's website. I told him our funds were limited and he has offered to do it for FREE! We have designated a person to work with him and funnel information to him. I'm excited.
Have you tried orgsites.com? It's a free on-line web builder for non-profits. I used to use Homestead (before it started charging). It worked okay for a simple website, but if you had a dial-up modem it could be painfully slow to upload.
I don't think you get the icky pop ups and strange banner ads either. Might be work a look-see.
I set up a yahoo!group for our PTA (JohnsonPTA) and we are just beginning to use it. It is basically an messagebaord/email program on steroids. You can organize photos on the site in folders. I put all of last years newletters on it. You can use it as a message board or as a way to send out flyers to the parents who have email accounts AND sign-up for teh service.
The best thing about it is that you can controll who has access to the site.