Could I get some of that info too. Our parents group is lacking EVERYTHING This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Carolyn - I have several things that should come in handy including forms, budget info, and audit info. I'll send you an email with a bunch of stuff attached. Also look around to see if your PTO has last year's issues of PTOToday magazine. There is a column for treasurers in each issue. If your PTO is a member of NPN, you can access them online in the archive, too.
There are several articles on the site on Treasurer topics. Use the search feature (top right) or go to the "PTO Archives" section (Look in navigation bar on the left).
For an even more comprehensive look at the Treasurer basics and beyond, the second of our National PTO Network "Expert Guides" is out. It's 70 pages or so of expertise, samples, examples, tips and tricks on everything from budgeting, reporting, tracking and protecting cash, checking accounts and taxes.
For info on the National PTO Network and all of its benefits, visit
I was recently nominated as Treasurer of our PTO. Can anyone tell me where I can get suggestions on proper record keeping and perhaps some samples of what a proper budget and income and expense sheet should look like?