Per our Bylaws, our Board consists of
*Elected Officers (6)
Pres, VP, Treas, Sec, Parliamentarian, Past Pres
*Chairs of Standing Committees (Appointed)
Community Relations, Fund-Raising, Hospitality, Membership, Publicity, T-shirt, Volunteer
*School Reps
Principal, Vice Principal, 2 Teacher Reps
Plus the Board may "appoint additional positions as needed"
At our first meeting each year, we add the chairs of an any hoc committees (6-8) and one parent representative from each grade level (6)
We intentionally have a large Board of 25+, depending on how many positions are co-chaired. In our group, all business is transacted by the PTO Board each month, and General Meetings are only held twice a year. So we want a large, diverse membership on our Board. Everyone on it has a constructive role and responsibility, even if it's a small one.
With as many kindergarten moms as you have interested, you might want to form grade level committees (i.e., Kindergarten Parent Committee) that meet to work on areas of interest for that group. They could do quite a bit themselves on organizing volunteers, helping with parties/fieldtrips, seeking resources, etc.) Then that committee would have a chair/coordinator (or two) that would serve as reps on the Board. That way you are utilizing everyone's willingness to help with out bringing it all to the Board level, leaving the Board to serve the high-level management function.
Note-some of these people will probably do double-duty and end up on the Board anyway as Chairs of other types of Committees - if those positions are on your Board.
Good Luck!
[ 01-09-2003: Message edited by: JHB ]</p>